Lightnings Tic-Tac's

I have redone the blog. It is now less offensive to the senses. Enjoy, I may actually post on a regular basis this time.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

You have to stop going to be Alumni.

So I started school yesterday, at Sac State. It wasn't too bad I suppose. The parking situation was significantly worse than that of ARC but since I don't mind walking I didn't have much of a problem. It also helps to have an early class so that you have a reason to be there before ten. My classes were fine. I started with an American Government type class. Well, American Political thought, not so much government as the way Americans think and have thought throughout the ages of America. That should be enlightening. I moved on from there to Hemingway and Fitzgerald, and yeah. I like Fitzgerald a lot, Hemingway I don't really have much of an opinion of either way, so this will be a great class. The teacher seems pretty excited about it. Then I went on to my Business and Computer Ethics class. This class is a totally new experience to me as it will be broadcast live every class day and attendance is not mandatory. That's right, I don't have to go to class except to take the mid-term, take the final and to do one ethics debate. I can watch my class on T.V. or download it via the internet. The teacher is kind of creepy looking though. So yeah, it'll be a different semester. I ran into exactly zero people that I know because I know almost no one there. I doubt that will change in the near future. After ethics I had a five hour break before my next class, so I went home, ate lunch, sat around, wished I didn't have to go back for class, then went back for class. This is my Shakespeare class that I have to go to from six thirty until nine twenty at night, but it's only on Tuesdays, so it's not so bad. It's fun, the teacher is a good guy, very entertaining, and besides, it's Shakespeare, I love Shakespeare. So yeah.

That was school. Starting next week I will be losing my five hour break and start going to ARC for a portion of that time to work on the Lit Mag again. Yeah Lit Mag. So in case anyone is wondering, I will be almost completely unavailable to do anything at all on Tuesdays. Thursdays I might be available after Capoeira, but the best days to try to catch me are weekends. But anyone who wishes to steal my time for anything at all had first consider my homework, because I will. Have you seen my reading list? Let's see if I can remember the whole list.
Cymberline, Antony & Cleopatra, Tempest, Othello, MacBeth, Troilus & Cressida, The Great Gatsby, The Sun Also Rises, The Garden of Eden, Tender is the Night, Love of the Last Tycoon, The Old Man and the Sea, The Short Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway, The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas, Race Matters, Democracy in America, Lincoln at Gettysburg, The Radical Politics of Thomas Jefferson, Shakespeare [critical analysis stuff], a government reader, and any submissions that come in to the Lit Mag (which will be a whole bunch). So yeah. Lots of reading, less time for villains and heroes and dragons and cities and dungeons. But I will do what I can to make time for it. So yeah. If anyone wants to borrow any of these books after I'm done with then (for the sheer joy of reading them) let me know. If you haven't read Great Gatsby (regardless of if you'll like it or not) that is one book you should read. It is considered one of the greatest American novels ever written. I think that should be all. Yeah John, I'll try to keep up with the D&D games on Saturdays, but I make no promises (and I know I made none already).
Also, somewhere in that mess of reading and driving to different campuses I'm still going to do Capoeira, because it's lots of fun. That's all.

Quack Quack ~Emu Sound~

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Not as big a play list

So I don't have as big a music library as some of you, on my computer, but I figured I might as well do it. Ready? Go!

Q: What do you think of me, iTunes?
A: "Nobody's Listening" by Linkin Park

It doesn't even care. How can I believe it's answers if it's not listening?

Q: Will I have a happy life?
A: "Joy of Man's Desire/Angel We Have Heard On High" by Trans-Siberian Orchestra

I have to assume that's a yes.

Q: What do my friends really think of me?
A: "The Snow Came Down" by Trans-Siberian Orchestra

I'm cold? Because snow is cold. I suppose that might work.

Q: Do people secretly lust after me?
A: "Those Were The Days My Friend" by Mary Hopkins

So that'definitenate "Not any more." Oh well.

Q: What does [insert significant other] think of me?
A: "The March of the Kings/Hark The Herald Angel" by Trans-Siberian Orchestra

Sweet, she thinks very highly of me. I love you [isignificantfigant other].

Q: How can I make myself happy?
A: "Good King Joy" by Trans-Siberian Orchestra

So be nice to people? That's not really my style, but I guess I could try it.

Q: What should I do with my life?
A: "Prince of Peace" by Trans-Siberian Orchestra.

I realy don't think I can become Jesus, but I suppose it's worht a try.

Q: Why must life be so full of pain?
A: "In The Eye of the Sun" by The Doors

Because Jim Morrison is God? Yeah, I'm wiling to have pain if Jim is God.

Q: How can I maximize my pleasure during sex? (hey, it was on the list.)
A: "She's A Rebel" by Green Day

I don't know...

Q: Will I ever have children?
A: "Jesus of Surburbia/ City of the damned/ I don't Care/ Dearly Beloved/ Tales of Another Broken Home." by Green Day

Well, let's hope I'm a better parent than that.

Q: Will I die happy?
A: "El Paso" by Kevin Gilbert

Well damn, that's a yes, but I don't think Adrienne will be happy when she finds out about Felina and my frequent trips to Mexico. Of course, I'm be pretty happy when I can actually remeber those trips.

Q: Can you give me some advice?
A: "Christmas Eve (Sarajevo 12/24)" by Trans-Siberian Orchestra

I cannot possibly fathom what thise advice means, so it must be very deep and meaningful.

Q: Do you know where your children are?
A: "What is Christmas" by Trans-Siberian Orchestra

They're pondering the lesser mysteries of life?

Q: What do you think happiness is?
A: "Blind Man" by Aerosmith

Obvious paradoxes? So time-travel and being your own father I guess?

Q: What's your favorite fetish?
A: "Wild Pack of Family Dogs" by Modest Mouse

So that's kinda creepy. iTunes is a furry.

I have come to a definate conclusion after this quiz. iTunes is just picking random songs with no bearing on actual events, except where it's a good thing for those parts or true and profound.

Quack Quack ~Emu Sound~

Monday, January 09, 2006

2 Legit 2 Quit or something

So I'm sitting in the cafe today at work, and I'm just eating and working on the D&D game and I overhear some people talking. It's not about me, and is in fact in no way relevant to me or even something that interests me, but I overhear it anyway. It's the older man talking about his daughter or some other young relative going through high school and what-not, and for some reason it suddenly hit me that I'm not really an adult. Ok I'm 21. I'm an considered legal for most anything in this country. I'm responsible for my own crimes, I can drink, smoke, sign things, and all that other crap, but I don't really feel like an adult. Am I the only one? Does anyone else feel like they may not really be an adult? I mean, I do adult things. I have to go to work, and be responsible. All this adult stuff. If I mess up in school they don't call my parents, I have to fix it. It's just all very strange to me. I suppose this is something that should have dawned on me a while ago, and I think it has on occasion, but it's not something that really seems to stick in my brain. Oh well. Maybe it's the job now. Most other people walk around wearing ties and dress shirts and looking all professional around here. Maybe that's it. Curse that professionalism. Anyway, I should get back to the game now, so you guys have something to do on Saturday. But yeah, as a quick reminder to John, have your character to me by Tuesday or I may not be able to get you into the session. I left a comment saying such, I think, or maybe it was in my previous post, but get in to me soon. E-mail is fine. That's it.

Quack Quack ~Emu Sound~

Friday, January 06, 2006

Life Update

As the title suggests, here's an update on what's been happening and what will happen in the near future, as it pertains to myself.

I've been working alot lately. And by working alot I mean being down town at work, while I may or may not have alot to do. Some days are boring and just drag on with absolutely nothing happening, others have a bunch of stuff that just makes the time fly. It's really a toss up, but it's gonna be boring for the next while because of some meetings going on every day. So yeah, that's work mostly. Though I'm going to get some good pay here, that should keep me covered for Sac State. Yeah.

And now that I mention Sac State, for the few of you who may not know, even though I've said it a bunch of times, I will be attending Sac State this semester. I'm a little angry that I didn't get the classes I wanted because of a stupid writing proficiency requirement. It's some test that you have to take around your junior year to allow you into "writing intensive" courses, but here's the real catch for me. If you have more than 75 units and you haven't taken this test, they put a hold on your classes and you can't do anything until you take this test. And guess who is transferring with about 70 units? That's right, me. So I have to take this test this semester, and pass it or I can't take any other classes at Sac State. I'm not too worried about passing it, I can write just fine, but damn, it's a pain. I will also be taking the ARC lit mag again this semester, because I very much enjoy it.

And other things I enjoy, I've been loving Capoeira lately. It's so much fun, and I've finally stepped up my practice schedule. I've gone from twice a week to three times this week (and maybe a fourth time tomorrow). It's a whole lot of great. The people are awesome, the exercise is spectacular, and it is just so nice to be doing something physical again. Ever since I stopped running I've really kind of let myself go in the Pascal aspects, but now I'm back. It's great. And also, I know it's a little early to mention, but in September there is going to be a big event. The 2006 Batizado, it's an annual event, and it's a real big deal. Anyone who wants to see me get my butt kick by a Maestre should go to it. But it's a ways away, so I don't really expect anyone to set aside the time right now.

That's most of what's going on, I think. I'm working on the D&D game, but that's not anything new, and it's really not that important to note because then the players will know too much ahead of time. And John and Lenny, if you're reading this and your characters aren't done, get them done now. I can't get you into the campaign if I don't have your characters (that includes backstory).

That's it.

Quack Quack ~Emu Sound~