A Real Update
So yes, I am updating my blog. I don't know when will be the next time, but don't count on this being a regular thing.
SO I recently lost my job. The first thing I want to go into here is the reason I lost my job. As you may or may not know I was working for the state. I wasn't employed by the state, but was actually employed by the Foundation at Sac State and simply working for the state at CalPERS. None of that really matters I suppose. But yes, working for the state is what I did do as a student assistant. While there my job included very little work. I made copies, faxed things, just random little jobs that really weren't things higher paid people wanted to do. It was very nice gig I had there and everything was going quite well. But then I got a new boss. She was a totally inept woman who decided to pass off nearly every one of her tasks to myself and the other student. From what I can tell she did very little other than take credit for other people's work and kiss the big bosses ass.
A couple months ago someone came up with the grand idea of having T-shirts made for our project with our little logo and all that jazz and who gets the project? Well that would be my ever negligent boss. And what does she do with said project? She hands it off to me! Well I start on the project and get where I can. I find out what size, color and style of T-shirts everyone wants and go back to her because I have no idea what to do next in this line of T-shirt ordering. She takes it and I figure that's the last I'll see of it. But oh no. What does she do next? She hands it off to the other student assistant (who had been working with us for less than a month at that point) and has her place the order for the shirts. I won't go into more details about it but this total process took 3 months and passed between myself and the other student at least 3 more times before the T-shirts are confirmed and arrive at our work. So yeah, after that comes the task of distribution. This is where the problem comes in. You see when we were getting everyone's size, style and color we used these little blue cards that had everyone's info on them and what happened to these cards you ask? Why they were thrown out during some desk cleaning. They are gone, completely and irrevocably.
That is why I lost my job. Because we couldn't get some T-shirts distributed for a project that we (the students) should not have had in the first place and someone had to take the blame for it. Of course here's the kicker, what happened to the other student? Absolutely nothing. The entirety of the blame was shifted onto me, but the thing is both I and the other student shared the blame on what happened, but our boss was really the one who should have been SUPERVISING the project. No one received any actual discipline except me, and that was firing.
Of course no one came out and said it was the T-shirts, my boss ever tried to pass it off as other things like my schedule and how they needed someone there 5 days a week. BS. I was fired less than 2 hours after the entire T-shirt fiasco happened with no other disciplinary action taken the year I had been working there. No complaints about my work, my attire, my attitude. But whatever. I can't really change it so I cleaned out my stuff and left. I'll find another job.
So what does it mean that I am out of a job? At first I thought it would be a fine thing. Since I have a lot of homework as it is I figured I would have time to do homework and really get ahead in my studies. Turns out it doesn't work like that. First thing was, that first week after I was fired I was pretty down. It wasn't about losing the job. I really had started to hate that job and the amount of time I was wasting being there. It was just the idea that I was both unemployed and fired. It's pretty depressing, and looking for a job just makes me feel like crap. It's very much something I don't look forward to at all. And then of course there is the idea that I do have more time and as that sinks in I don't really get more homework done, if fact I think I've just barely been breaking even compared to what I used to do.
How is that possible you say? Well somewhere in my mind I know I have more time to do stuff, right? So I spend some time relaxing, playing video games and what not saying to myself "I'll get on that homework in a little bit, I have plenty of time." Then of course I lose track of time and so have to scramble to get homework done when it needs to be done.
So that's my job story. I'm looking for a new job at this point, but not to hard at the moment. I've going to go at it around the first of the year so that I can finish up this semester without worrying about work. I mean if something falls into my lap of looks like a really good job I'll go for it, but I'm not gonna be out flyering the city with applications until later.
Quite an update, eh? I'll try to do them a little more frequently and I'll try to do another soon that somehow concerns school and more of the recent happenings of my life besides what used to be my job. Until then, toodles.
Quack Quack ~Emu Sound~
SO I recently lost my job. The first thing I want to go into here is the reason I lost my job. As you may or may not know I was working for the state. I wasn't employed by the state, but was actually employed by the Foundation at Sac State and simply working for the state at CalPERS. None of that really matters I suppose. But yes, working for the state is what I did do as a student assistant. While there my job included very little work. I made copies, faxed things, just random little jobs that really weren't things higher paid people wanted to do. It was very nice gig I had there and everything was going quite well. But then I got a new boss. She was a totally inept woman who decided to pass off nearly every one of her tasks to myself and the other student. From what I can tell she did very little other than take credit for other people's work and kiss the big bosses ass.
A couple months ago someone came up with the grand idea of having T-shirts made for our project with our little logo and all that jazz and who gets the project? Well that would be my ever negligent boss. And what does she do with said project? She hands it off to me! Well I start on the project and get where I can. I find out what size, color and style of T-shirts everyone wants and go back to her because I have no idea what to do next in this line of T-shirt ordering. She takes it and I figure that's the last I'll see of it. But oh no. What does she do next? She hands it off to the other student assistant (who had been working with us for less than a month at that point) and has her place the order for the shirts. I won't go into more details about it but this total process took 3 months and passed between myself and the other student at least 3 more times before the T-shirts are confirmed and arrive at our work. So yeah, after that comes the task of distribution. This is where the problem comes in. You see when we were getting everyone's size, style and color we used these little blue cards that had everyone's info on them and what happened to these cards you ask? Why they were thrown out during some desk cleaning. They are gone, completely and irrevocably.
That is why I lost my job. Because we couldn't get some T-shirts distributed for a project that we (the students) should not have had in the first place and someone had to take the blame for it. Of course here's the kicker, what happened to the other student? Absolutely nothing. The entirety of the blame was shifted onto me, but the thing is both I and the other student shared the blame on what happened, but our boss was really the one who should have been SUPERVISING the project. No one received any actual discipline except me, and that was firing.
Of course no one came out and said it was the T-shirts, my boss ever tried to pass it off as other things like my schedule and how they needed someone there 5 days a week. BS. I was fired less than 2 hours after the entire T-shirt fiasco happened with no other disciplinary action taken the year I had been working there. No complaints about my work, my attire, my attitude. But whatever. I can't really change it so I cleaned out my stuff and left. I'll find another job.
So what does it mean that I am out of a job? At first I thought it would be a fine thing. Since I have a lot of homework as it is I figured I would have time to do homework and really get ahead in my studies. Turns out it doesn't work like that. First thing was, that first week after I was fired I was pretty down. It wasn't about losing the job. I really had started to hate that job and the amount of time I was wasting being there. It was just the idea that I was both unemployed and fired. It's pretty depressing, and looking for a job just makes me feel like crap. It's very much something I don't look forward to at all. And then of course there is the idea that I do have more time and as that sinks in I don't really get more homework done, if fact I think I've just barely been breaking even compared to what I used to do.
How is that possible you say? Well somewhere in my mind I know I have more time to do stuff, right? So I spend some time relaxing, playing video games and what not saying to myself "I'll get on that homework in a little bit, I have plenty of time." Then of course I lose track of time and so have to scramble to get homework done when it needs to be done.
So that's my job story. I'm looking for a new job at this point, but not to hard at the moment. I've going to go at it around the first of the year so that I can finish up this semester without worrying about work. I mean if something falls into my lap of looks like a really good job I'll go for it, but I'm not gonna be out flyering the city with applications until later.
Quite an update, eh? I'll try to do them a little more frequently and I'll try to do another soon that somehow concerns school and more of the recent happenings of my life besides what used to be my job. Until then, toodles.
Quack Quack ~Emu Sound~
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