2 Legit 2 Quit or something
So I'm sitting in the cafe today at work, and I'm just eating and working on the D&D game and I overhear some people talking. It's not about me, and is in fact in no way relevant to me or even something that interests me, but I overhear it anyway. It's the older man talking about his daughter or some other young relative going through high school and what-not, and for some reason it suddenly hit me that I'm not really an adult. Ok I'm 21. I'm an considered legal for most anything in this country. I'm responsible for my own crimes, I can drink, smoke, sign things, and all that other crap, but I don't really feel like an adult. Am I the only one? Does anyone else feel like they may not really be an adult? I mean, I do adult things. I have to go to work, and be responsible. All this adult stuff. If I mess up in school they don't call my parents, I have to fix it. It's just all very strange to me. I suppose this is something that should have dawned on me a while ago, and I think it has on occasion, but it's not something that really seems to stick in my brain. Oh well. Maybe it's the job now. Most other people walk around wearing ties and dress shirts and looking all professional around here. Maybe that's it. Curse that professionalism. Anyway, I should get back to the game now, so you guys have something to do on Saturday. But yeah, as a quick reminder to John, have your character to me by Tuesday or I may not be able to get you into the session. I left a comment saying such, I think, or maybe it was in my previous post, but get in to me soon. E-mail is fine. That's it.
Quack Quack ~Emu Sound~
Quack Quack ~Emu Sound~
At 6:48 PM,
Third said…
Me too. i'm a 21 year old boy.
At 10:03 AM,
Brian Armitage said…
Yeah, you're not alone, Chase. And furthermore, I'd wager that there are some 30-year-olds that feel much the same way.
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