Lightnings Tic-Tac's

I have redone the blog. It is now less offensive to the senses. Enjoy, I may actually post on a regular basis this time.

Monday, April 26, 2004

For those of you who may be interested. SMUD is hiring for people to move somputers from place to place, install hardware and software. Go to, and check careers. Job search for students, or something like that and look for the second one from the bottom. But hurry, have to apply by the 28th.

Quack Quack Emu SOund

Friday, April 23, 2004

Is then the world unkind?
And does it treat all things
Like straw dogs used in magic rites?
The Wise Man too, is he unkind?
And does he treat the folk
Like straw dogs made to throw away?

Between the earth and sky
The space is like a bellows,
Empty but unspent.
When moved its gift is copious.

Much talk means much exhaustion;
Better far it is to keep your thoughts!

So Adrienne and I hung out with Lenny and Neko today. Kinds different to hang out with people and not play something, but it was quite pleasant. We had really just come to return Kill Bill, but oh well. It was fun, and we really should do it more often. Anyway...

I would like some comments on my Vampire game. On where the players would like to see it go, and perhaps what I could do to make the game more enjoyable. I know as an ST I ask this quite often, but I never seem to get any feedback on it, so I have to keep asking. So everyone playing just let me know. If all you're going to say is it's good and keep it up, don't bother because I get plenty of that. I would like to put in, though, that in my attempts to get people to Role play and interact they don't seem to do so, so if people don't really want to do that as much any more I can take it out some. But yeah, let me know. Email would be the preferred method of feedback so no one has to have everyone else hear what they're saying about the game, or you can use the guestbook or the knoll blog. All the player, that includes Carolyn. I know you haven't played much, at all, but you've been there a few times for the game. But if you have nothing to say that's fine too.

Quack Quack Emu SOund

Monday, April 19, 2004

The Way is a void,
Used but never filled:
An abyss it is,
Like an ancestor
From which all things come.

It blunts sharpness,
Resolves tangles;
It tempers light,
Subdues turmoil.

A deep pool it is,
Never to run dry!
Whose offspring it may be
I do not know:
It is like a preface to God.

I hate UPS.

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

If those who are excellent find no preferment,
The people will cease to content for promotion.
If goods that are hard to obtain are not favored,
The people will cease to turn robbers or bandits.
If things much desired are kept under cover,
Disturbance will cease in the minds of the people.

The Wise Man's policy, accordingly,
Will be to empty people's hearts and minds,
To fill their bellies, weaken their ambition,
Give them sturdy frames and always so,
To keep the uninformed, without desire,
And knowing ones not venturing to act.

Be still while you work
And keep full control
Over all.

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Since the world points up beauty as such,
There is ugliness too.
If goodness is taken as goodness,
Wickedness enters aw well.

For is and is-not come together;
Hard and easy are complementary;
Long and short are relative;
High and low are comparative;
Pitch and sound make harmony;
Before and after are a sequence.

Indeed the Wise Man's office
Is to work by being still;
He teaches not by speech
But by accomplishment;
He does for everything,
Neglecting none;
Their life he gives to all,
Possessing none;
And what he brings to pass
Depends on no one else.
As he succeeds,
He takes no credit
And just because he does not take it,
Credit never leaves him.

Monday, April 12, 2004

There are ways but the Way is uncharted;
There are names but no nature in words:
Nameless indeed is the source of creation
But things have a mother and she has a name.

The secret waits for the insight
Of eyes unclouded by longing;
Those who are bound by desire
See only the outward container.

These two come paired but distinct
By their name.
Of all things profound,
Say that their planning is deepest,
The gate to the root of the world.

Saturday, April 10, 2004

I don't know what is up lately but I am really tired. We went and saw The Girl Next Door with adrienne's brother, don't bother. Then we were at Adrienne's mom's for a while, man am I glad Adrienne got out of there, it's insanely stupid there. So yeah, not much. Looking around for a new job, somewhere close, like 5 minutes away instead of 20 minutes on the freeway with crappy traffic on the way home. I think I'll try Safeway if Ostermiller tells me they probobly wont go on strike any time soon, and the army is looking better and better all the time. Anyway, that's all for now.

Quack Quack Emu Sound

Sunday, April 04, 2004

As none of my friends know, once again, my great grandmother died recently. She was 104 years old, and I was just wondering if any of you knew any of your great grand parents? Come to think of it, I'm not sure if I know anyone who remebers their parents parents parents. She had some great great grandkinds too, I wonder if they'll remeber her. I never met them, and I don't know how old they are, but they couldn't be that old.

Quack Quack Emu Sound

Thursday, April 01, 2004

Who will you be stuck with at end of time? by chi_a_baidh
Your name is
Your sex is
Your favorite color is
You are stuck there becauseyou murdered everyone else
For _____ years35
He/She will think you arestrong
You willkill him/her
Created with quill18's MemeGen 3.0!

Sorry Liam, at least you'll already be dead when I kill him. =(