Lightnings Tic-Tac's

I have redone the blog. It is now less offensive to the senses. Enjoy, I may actually post on a regular basis this time.

Saturday, June 12, 2004

The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round

So today was the party for Adrienne's cousin for surviving the hell that is Rio. I had to get someone to cover my shift because Chet scheduled me for Saturday my first week and I hadn't had time to tell him about the party and what not. But that's fine, it got covered and we went. The cake wasn't very good and it's always weird being around Adrienne's extended family, but oh well. She deals well with being around my Aunt and Uncle so I can handle her's (Even though her aunt is an insane, did I say that?). So yeah. Now we'll get to the stressful part...

So if you'll check Adrienne's blog you'll see that we were suppose to start putting up the firework booth's last night around 10 or 11 ish. Well that didn't happen. Adrienne and I stayed up waiting for this because we're not really night people so it kinda threw off our schedules and we end up not doing it because Brian (Adrienne's Mom's boyfriend) is a complete idiot and didn't want to start yet. Of course Adrienne and I are tired and already up past our bed times, but I took a nap eariler that day so I can't get to sleep and Adrienne isn't feeling so good and she can't get to sleep. Succife to say, we didn't get much sleep. Now, onto the party. So we're there just kinda hanging out and Adrienne's mom get's a call around 1. It's Brian saying he's found Ronnie (a friend of his who is also suppose to working on these booths too) and that Ronnie is on his way over. So we're like, "Ok, we'll be there soon." And we get ready to leave, but we gotta have a cake and whatnot so we get to Adrienne's mom's house around 1:30. And you know what we find there? Brian lighting off a firework underneath RJ's car. Isn't that shit? Yeah, and then as soon as we walk up he starts talking shit at Adrienne's mom for not being there all day and waiting on his fat ass. So we go inside. About 2:15 rolls around and no Ronnie still. Brian say's he's going to go get the firework stand truck. SO we relax and Adrienne's realises that we're in clothes we don't really want to work in. Now it's about 2:30. We walk outside and Brian is just getting his ass moving. No he hasn't changed his clothes or done anything except fart around in the garage. So we go home, get changed get gloves, try to recruit my brother to help and come back. It's about 3:00 when we get back. No Ronnie and no Brian. It's a 15-20 minute drive to go get the truck and no one has any clue where ROnnie is as of yet. So we wait some more, and some more. And then Adriennne's mom get's a call from Ray (the guy really in charge of the whole booth setting up thing) saying shit hasn't gotten done and from now on they're starting at 8 am every day. She tell's Adrienne and me this while we're watching Batman. Then we discuss actors and actresses for a while. Killing time, and 4 o-clock rools around. And still no Brian, no truck and no Ronnie. SO I say fuck this and I'm headed home. Stop by work and find out I work Wednesday at 12. I come home and call Adrienne to telll her I love her and then start this post. 4:20ish, adrienne calls me back to say her mom say Brian driving back towards the house in the truck finially. I assume Ronnie was with him but I didn't even think to ask. So yeah, why does it take almost 2 hours to do a 30-40 minute drive? I am so sick of Brian's crap. We could have relaxed at the party, maybe relaxed at home , but no. He's a lazy piece of crap and can't get his fat ass moving. It shouldn't take 3 hours just to get the team together and get the truck. Especially considering the team consists of 3 people. I'm not part of the team and neither is Adrienne's mom, but we're helping out because we know Brian won't do crap. If it was up to me I'd get Adrienne out of the team and into the warehouse, because she's going to try for a warehouse job after this whole bit is over. I'd get her out of this situation because anything Brian is a part of is generally crappy. Anyway, enough ranting, I have a throbbing headache and my stomach feels bad. I'm gonna lay down for a while and hope Adrienne fares well out there today.

Quack Quack Emu Sound


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