Woohoo, I got a new job. I'll be working at Subway in just a couple of weeks and I'll be away from the evil UPS demons. It's amazing, everyone thinks it's a big step down, but considering a third of my pay check was going to gas working at UPS, i might end up having more money to spend working here. Plus you can get a raise every 30 days at Subway, as opposed to every year at UPS. Of course I can't call in any time I want to stay home from Subway, but I'll get over that, and I wont be exhausted after work everyday! What a strange way to work, it sounds...pleasant.
Quack Quack Emu Sound
Quack Quack Emu Sound
At 12:06 PM,
John Ostermiller said…
Is this the Subway over by my job? (The one at Fair Oaks/Manzanita by Golden 1)
At 5:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
No, it's the one on El Camino just past eastern, by Adrienne's mom's house.
At 6:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
Oh ok... right next to Carolyns then.
At 12:39 AM,
Third said…
Having some experience in the matter, i'm anxious to see how you feel after a few months making sandwiches for people. Hope you like the change!
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