Yes, that one usually is hiring, but that's because the people that apply never apply for the right hours. oh well. Anyway< i put in my tweo weeks at UPS today so I'll be outta there the week after memorial day and into Subway. Man I'm gonna try so many sandwiches, I wonder if they'll let me make the Godwich! Anyway, once I start working there everyone is free to drop by and visit me, but you should probobly wait a week or two so I don't get in trouble. But yeah, if no one wants to come see me I understand... =( everyone hates me...anyway on another note I found my God card, several in fact. I am once again a card carrying member of USINAD. On another another note last night I talked to my friend Wayman Charles Bell III who lives in Arkansas. And before you dismiss him as another of my imaginary friends he's not. He helped me start the RDI in the MSN chat area place. Him and Eurydice, and Bella, and Silvey, and Tahlia. Those were good times, oh and Demonwolf. I miss that place. But now it's full of God-moders and jerkasses. And no one remebers the people who sat quietly there and actually started the chat room. But yeah, hi Trey! Trey's cool. He just graduated from High school, but he's stuck in Arkansas, poor guy. Oh well. Someday we'll bust him outta there.
Edit: So, it looks like he got to my guest book last night after I logged off.
Quack Quack Emu Sound
Edit: So, it looks like he got to my guest book last night after I logged off.
Quack Quack Emu Sound
At 10:55 AM,
Unknown said…
Whoa. :) How've you been? I haven't heard from you in forever.
I was doing a google search for my name and this popped up. :D
How've you been?
-Wayman C Bell III
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