War!! What is it Good for?
SO I have some information of impot to several people I know and if they check this blog they'll find it out. Well actually it's really only one piece of important information for them...anyway...
Important Information: Currently the United States government is reactivating retired military persons. People that have finished their service to this country are being recalled to duty because of this war. You may say...So? But here's what it affects us. If they are activating retired people the next very real and very possible step is an involuntary draft. My step-dad has informed me and Adrienne of this recently and I figure I should let you guys know. Handed down from somewhere up above him in the military chain is a memo saying these things and that the draft could start as early as September...this September. But wait it gets better. Congress doesn't have to approve the draft the president has full control of activating this draft because we are still in a State of emergency from September, 11 2001! He has a lot more power than most people realized (including me and my step-father) and can call a draft any day he wants. He hasn't yet for political reasons, but he could. It may be postponed due to the election and Bush may wait to try to get re-elected before drafting, but unless something happens quickly with this "war on terrorism" odds are good there will be a draft. And so Carolyn can sweat with us, they're thinking about starting to draft women too. Sorry. So I suggest everyone go see a recruiter and decide on a branch that you would like to go into. When the draft comes it's better not to have your branch picked for you. I recommend Air National Guard. But yeah, umm...sorry about that. I figured I should let everyone know. And Canada will send you back if you flee the country there, but I don't think Mexico will. So there it is.
The Other news: My step-father is going to Afghanistan for 18 months. He leaves in November I believe. It really sucks, and at that point Adrienne and I will probably be around less again. Anyway, that's all from here. Of course all this is subject to change so there may be no draft and my step-dad may not leave for a year and a half, but this is all what is looking very likely.
Quack Quack Emu Sound
Important Information: Currently the United States government is reactivating retired military persons. People that have finished their service to this country are being recalled to duty because of this war. You may say...So? But here's what it affects us. If they are activating retired people the next very real and very possible step is an involuntary draft. My step-dad has informed me and Adrienne of this recently and I figure I should let you guys know. Handed down from somewhere up above him in the military chain is a memo saying these things and that the draft could start as early as September...this September. But wait it gets better. Congress doesn't have to approve the draft the president has full control of activating this draft because we are still in a State of emergency from September, 11 2001! He has a lot more power than most people realized (including me and my step-father) and can call a draft any day he wants. He hasn't yet for political reasons, but he could. It may be postponed due to the election and Bush may wait to try to get re-elected before drafting, but unless something happens quickly with this "war on terrorism" odds are good there will be a draft. And so Carolyn can sweat with us, they're thinking about starting to draft women too. Sorry. So I suggest everyone go see a recruiter and decide on a branch that you would like to go into. When the draft comes it's better not to have your branch picked for you. I recommend Air National Guard. But yeah, umm...sorry about that. I figured I should let everyone know. And Canada will send you back if you flee the country there, but I don't think Mexico will. So there it is.
The Other news: My step-father is going to Afghanistan for 18 months. He leaves in November I believe. It really sucks, and at that point Adrienne and I will probably be around less again. Anyway, that's all from here. Of course all this is subject to change so there may be no draft and my step-dad may not leave for a year and a half, but this is all what is looking very likely.
Quack Quack Emu Sound
At 11:44 AM,
Lenny said…
Thats really horrible, not that I mind being drafted into the military overmuch since I was considering it someday anyway, I'm bothered by the fact that we've been in a state of emergency for almost three years. I'll be ready for whatever happens.
At 1:50 AM,
John Ostermiller said…
Ditto on the sentiment, Lenny. I'd original planned on joining the United States Army as an Armored Cavalry scout, but on account of my gross obesisty they declined my application. But with my revitalized interest in the Martial Arts and a possible regular training/sparring partner, who knows...
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