Lightnings Tic-Tac's

I have redone the blog. It is now less offensive to the senses. Enjoy, I may actually post on a regular basis this time.

Monday, July 19, 2004


Ok, umm... I worked 6 hours today and it's wasn't bad. It didn't seem nearly as long as the 5 hour night shift I did. God that was so boring. But I'm gonna be doing 6 hours day shifts pretty frequently so it's not so bad. In other news, I beat Ninja Gaiden again and will be return Ostermiller's Xbox next time I see him. And to those of you in the D&D game, check your emails and let me know if you are coming or not. for all I know you all read the email and are coming, but just havn't said anything. But I must know. Give me knowledge!!!!
Quack Quack Emu Sound


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