Lightnings Tic-Tac's

I have redone the blog. It is now less offensive to the senses. Enjoy, I may actually post on a regular basis this time.

Sunday, August 17, 2003

I'm back again, and I guess my last post went over as something it shouldn't have been taken as. That was not pride, that was me saying my peace because that's the way I am. You remeber my little chat to have my peace with Rebecca, right Liam? because she didn't speak to me anymore. It's my way and I'll thank you, Ostermiller, not to knock it. I'm done, I don't care. I have Adrienne, and I have all that is dear to me. I have peace that takes a lifetime to achive in only 18 years, almost. I have another peace to make, that will never be read by that person, but oh well. I'm not gonna do that tonight though, it's far to hot and I have school tomorrow. To all of you who read this tonight, go to bed, to those who read it tomorrow at a reasonable time, I'm done writing, nothing all that important tonight.

Quack Quack Emu Sound

P.S. Ostermiller, if you have something directed at me from my posts(good or bad) don't put in on your blog, I don't check it often, so put it in the guestbook, or tell me you have something on your blog for me to read in the guestbook. Efficiency, the key to being efficient.(Yes, I know that doesn't look right, but I don't want to look up how to spell it.)


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